This has meant lost work and income for folks already struggling with financial hardship.
But, as I have discussed in prior blogs, the main purpose of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a fresh financial start and a release from the overwhelming stress and anxiety out-of-control finances can cause. This financial pressure can actually make health problems worse because people give up hope when they are already feeling terrible from being sick.
Our hearts at Mile High Bankruptcy go out to everyone suffering under this pandemic and we remain committed to helping all clients complete their cases and lift the burden of debt so they can feel better and get back to a more stable and productive life.
It will take a while to achieve this over all, but on an individual level, it is important to take care of family finances to lessen the pressure that we all feel during these difficult times.
If you have any questions or wish to discuss anything about this blog or Chapter 7 bankruptcy help, feel free to call me, Peter Milwid, at 303-831-0733. Be well!